January 28, 2008

Thank You

Now that the hammers have finally stopped pounding and the saws have quieted down around camp, I'd like to take this post to thank the people who have made this project possible.

First, much thanks needs to be given to Jon and Karin. They were there to lend a helping hand and many needed meals.

Second, I'm very grateful for the freedom and patience that the board expressed throughout this project.

Everyone is very grateful for the donations of all the CBI supporters that allowed the Quiet House to become the Quiet Mansion as the practitioners began calling it. Hopefully when they return this summer it will live up to its name more appropriately.

The house was designed by Julie Jensen, who also helped with the aquisition of all our materials.

Conrad and Elsa -- jobsite clean-up
Rex -- table saw catcher
Jake Denhert -- plumbing
Josh Niles -- plumbing
Chris Boulding -- electrical
Graham Boulding -- electrical
Dave Seid-Graham -- kitchen
Linda Sheasley -- interior design
Warren Curkendall -- grounds, lumber shaping
K.C. Gahlon -- nail gun usage
The guys and girls staff -- clean-up
The practitioners -- for the metaphysics
Aaron Morris -- for spending countless hours helping with all parts of the project
Hannah Mensing -- for being by my side and providing a never-ending supply of encouragement

And finally, I'd like to express my gratitude for the support of viewers like you.


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