January 10, 2008

Finally, the floor!

After hours and hours of prep, we were finally able to lay the floor. Wow, what an undertaking. The glue we used is a dynamic glue to allow the flooring to expand and contract at it's own rate and not harm the finish, but that means we had to tape every piece of flooring together. I believe we went through 10 rolls of tape this week. Now we're having to pull it back up. It's definitely the biggest tape ball I've ever seen.

The flooring is solid oak flooring that we pulled out of another house on the island. We stripped the old glue off the back and laid the new stuff in ourselves. Unfortunately we found that not all flooring was created in equal dimensions so it took a lot of creative use of hammers to convince it to lie in straight lines.

But the last major project of the quiet house is finished. It hasn't been sanded and finished properly, but we have to wait for some other parts to arrive for that.

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