June 29, 2007


So, summer is finally here and the Quiet House now has it's first practitioner in it. After hearing the history of the old and building of the new he dubbed it the Quiet Mansion. Here are some pictures of what the house looks like with furniture and a nearly finished deck.

June 9, 2007

More Paint

This is what the interior will look like when you next see the house in person. The walls in the main room are a strong yellow, and in the bedroom, a light yellow. It was great fun painting the ceiling because the paint started out pink, then faded to white as it dried. This will be the last week of work on the house before the summer begins.

June 7, 2007

Finally, Paint

Today we finally started painting. We completed the first coat of primer before we ran out, all 5 gallons of it. Soon we'll start to see everything in color!

June 5, 2007

Let the finishing touches begin.

After clogging the texture gun and finally figuring out that pre-mixed texture is really a figment of our imaginations, we diluted the mud and convinced it to move through the gun. The job is really any middle-schooler's dream: run a gun that sprays mud everywhere. These pictures are Aaron testing the spray pattern and consistency of the orange peel.

This is what the orange peel texture finally looks like. It turned out better then we originally anticipated.

June 4, 2007

Cabinets and Tape

After taking a break from Quiet House work to complete other camp projects we finally returned this past weekend and installed brand new kitchen cabinets and a beautiful countertop.

After finishing the final sand today we started taping in preparation for spraying an orange peel texture tomorrow. For those who don't know, orange peel texture is just a fancy name for getting a "gun" with a big plastic hopper and splattering diluted mud all over the walls. We'll try and get some pictures tomorrow.

If everything goes as planned, we should have the paint done by the end of the week.