May 25, 2007

Muddin' Time

You might have noticed that there haven't been any updates to the site recently, that's because we're taping and mudding the drywall. This process seems to drag on forever as you wait for the previous coat to dry finally and then realize you have to do it 3 more times. Fortunately, we only have one more coat to go, then it's on to texturing and sealing the walls.

Bathroom Details

Since we decided to tile the shower enclosure, we installed Hardi-board all around the tub. As you can see, Aaron had a heck of a time with it.

May 7, 2007

From Drywall to Greenboard

Since traditional drywall is susceptible to water damage, in the bathroom and we substituted a moisture resistant drywall known as greenboard. The area around the tub is left undone to accommodate a cement backerboard to support tile walls.

Looking through the closet into the bathroom. You can just barely see the tub and the pipes daylighting out of the wall.

Looking from the door towards the tub. Tomorrow we'll put up the Hardiboard (cement backerboard around the tub) and that should complete the interior walls.

Looking up into the corner of the wall and the ceiling.

More Progress with Drywall

The dedicated continued their work on the drywall. We've made great progress and are getting close to being done putting up the boards.

The rafters of the loft in the front room

The front room alcove almost completely walled in.

The front door and still exposed ceiling.

A carefully drywalled closet and the electric panel in the back room.

The inside door framed and walled in.